It’s May, and there’s sunshine, flowers, and fabulous flash readings!

Thank you Tarn Wilson for donating a copy of “In Praise of Inadequate Gifts” (Wandering Aengus Press) for our book give away! And to Deborah Kennedy who brought along free copies of her book Nature Speaks: Art and Poetry for the Earth (White Cloud Press).

Authors & Works:

  1. Jennifer Lauren, “Dancing With Madonna”
  2. Peter Carroll, “Second Thoughts”
  3. Veronica Montes, “When He Is,” first published in Leon Literary Review and forthcoming in her chapbook, I’m Not Lost.
  4. Julie Kitzenberger, “The Kitty Medium”
  5. Johannah Seah, “Public Pool”
  6. Keith Mark Gaboury, “Corporate Fox”
  7. Aline Soules, “The Fixer”
  8. Dave Denny, “Among Impressionists”
  9. Jeanne Ichnowski, “Ironing Board Bier”
  10. Deborah Kennedy, “Enlightenment at the Republic Cafe”
  11. Daryl Bryant, “Doctrine of Discovery”
  12. Lita Kurth, “That Kind of Father”
  13. Larry Hollist, “Take Me Home”

We gathered on March 8th to listen to some phenomenal flash fiction! A big shout out to Niles Reddick for giving away a copy of his collection, “If Not for You & Other Stories” to one lucky audience member.

Authors & Works:

  1. Eileen Vorbach Collins, Excerpt from “My Life as a Jewish Imposter” from the collection Love in the Archives forthcoming in fall, 2023 by Apprentice House Press. 
  2. Susan Rogers, “By the Fire of Gracie” People’s choice winner at Writers in Paradise conference.
  3. Robert Dzik, “The Cigarette Ballet” People’s choice winner at Writers in Paradise conference.
  4. Niles Reddick, “Torpor” published in The South Shore Review in Nova Scotia as part of National Flash Fiction Day and long listed in Los Angeles’ Five South fiction contest.
  5. Elizabeth Bobst, “Maisie’s Mom” People’s choice winner at Writers in Paradise conference.
  6. Jan Steckel, “Coon Cat Tuesday” published in The New Verse News, May 27, 2022.
  7. Sherre Vernon, “Stray”.
  8. Tania Martin, “Behind the Wheel.”
  9. Ilze Duarte, “Silver-Haired Dancers,” published by Flash Flood for National Flash Fiction Day, 2022.
  10. J.M Curét, “Sunday.”
  11. Hugh Behm-Steinberg, “Customer Service” published in The Pinch Journal, 2023.


We are flashing on Wednesday, March 8th at 7pm.


Eileen Vorbach Collins, Susan Rogers, Robert Dzik, Niles Reddick, Elizabeth Bobst, Kirby Wright, Jan Steckel, Sherre Vernon, Tania Martin, Ilze Duarte, J.M. Curét, & Hugh Behm-Steinberg. 

Join us at Works/SJ Gallery, 38 South 2nd Street, San José or live on Zoom – get your Eventbrite ticket here:

We flashed into a wet and stormy 2023 with some wonderful stories and great company! Thanks to all our readers, our audience, Joe Miller for hosting us, and to Allison Landa for giving away a free copy of her new novel, “The Bearded Lady.”

Author & Works:

  1. Colleen Shoshana McKee, “German Pancakes”
  2. Chip Cassin, “About Chuck”
  3. Mj Pramik, “Ghost Story”
  4. Lita Kurth, “A Hell of a Deal”
  5. Julia Helprin-Jackson, “Que Tienes Sex Appeal!”
  6. Kim Amundsen, “The Grim Reaper”
  7. Ellie Anderson, “Colemen’s Cleopatra,” published in Caesura, 2022
  8. Larry Hollist, “Lost in the Wrapping Paper”
  9. Robin Ruiz, “Ghosted at the Coffee Shop”
  10. Gibson Davis, reading Paul Marshal’s, “If You Have To Ask Why”

January 11th, 2023

Picking the winner of Allison’s novel

Flash Fiction Forum Volume One Book Launch

Join us on November 4th at Works/SJ as part of First Friday’s Art Walk in downtown San José. The new gallery space is located at 38 South Second Street. We’ll have some readings from our beautiful new Anthology, substance’s to graze on, and various goings on. The readings will likely start around 7pm. More details to come. Be present! Come support your writer’s community!

A Big Round of Applause for Our Fabulous Fall Readers!

Our October 19th’s FFF was held in Works/SJ’s brand new space on Second Street, downtown San José. We had a fun hybrid experience with some readers up at the podium and some on Zoom, projected up on the wall. We had a great Zoom audience, but we’re so happy we can give our Zoom readers real applause from the folks in the gallery; there’s nothing like the sound of laughter and clapping hands. As always, thanks to Joe Miller and Works/SJ for supporting our series.


  1. Paul Juhasz, “Row”
  2. Douglas Trevor, excerpt from”The Detroit Frankfurt School Discussion Group.” published in Ploughshares Solo vol. 4
  3. Niles Reddick, “”Who’s Going to Pray for Me Now?” published in Anti-Heroin Chic and again in Yellow Mama
  4. Priscilla Thomas, “Red,” published in the Interstellar Lit Review
  5. Keiran Brandabur Langer, “Black Iced Tea”
  6. Tania Martin, “Bus Ballads”
  7. Karen Allen, “Dog Heaven”
  8. Hugh Behm-Steinberg, “Jesus’ Socks”
  9. Nancy Devine, “Life Passages”
  10. Rob Davidson, “Still Life with Zombies”
  11. Leah Mueller, “Tempting Fate”
  12. Aline Soules, “Shock”

Did you catch our August Reading Series? We had a stellar line-up with one of our readers Zooming in all the way from Australia. Thanks to all our wonderful readers, our generous audience, and to Keiko O’Leary for the book give-a-way!

Here’s a link to Keiko’s book, Your Writing Matters: 34 Quick Essays to Get Unstuck and Stay Inspired

Authors & Works:

Jan Steckel, “Winter Clinic”

Erik Peters, “Crow in the Heat”

L.D. Nguyen, “At the White Death’s Party”

Katie-Rose Goto-Svic, “Gentle Abbatoir”

Allison Landa, excerpt from Bearded Lady published 2022

Shirley Chan, “Cabbage,” excerpt form her memoir in progress

Jeanette Calhoun Wish, “Testimony from the Defense Committee for Wicked Stepmothers,”

Christine Monihan, “Across the Street”

Lita Kurth, “Grand Opening of the Daiso Clinic”

Miriam Sagan, “Why I am Not a Monk,” published in her collection Stash (cyber wit India, 2022)

Katherine Gathright, “Lizard Bride,” read by Sarah Hinkle

May’s Marvelous Reading Series

Thanks to all who helped make our May 11th reading series such a stellar event. Our hybrid Zoom/Gallery platform is proving to be a winner and a Covid-19 silver lining. It’s so great that our Zoom readers can hear an audience applause their work, and so fun for folks in the gallery to see readers projected up on the wall from all over the greater Bay Area, other States, and sometimes other countries. It truly is remarkable, and we have to thank Joe Miller of Works/SJ for providing this technology.

Authors & Works:

Submissions are open for our August 10th reading series

March 9th’s hybrid reading series featured dynamite readings and multidimensional merriment with a small audience in the gallery at Works/SJ and a bunch of folks on Zoom.

1    Cindy Benson, “Straw Buddha”  

2.    Hugh Behm-Steinberg, “Solve for X”

3.    Lita Kurth, “The Memoir Writers” 

4.    Marco Etheridge, “Heart’s Double Labyrinth” 

5.    Kirby Wright, “More Salsa” 

6.    Melissa Flores Anderson, “Cherry Cheri” 


7.    Mercilee Jenkins, “Parent Conference”

8.    Tom Herndon, “Derick 1” 

9.    Paul Luikart, “Rocket” 

10.   Marissa Jules, “Birthday 2.0” 

11. Peter van der Linden, “One of the Elder Gods”

Check out our pics to see what our hybrid platform looks like in house.

FFF Flashing At Filoli

Filoli Gardens invited us up for the day to view the estate and then write some flash to read for their “Stories in Bloom” series. Our venue – the ballroom! We had great time and our readers were fabulous.

Feburary 13th , 2022

Authors & Works:

  • Nancy Devine, “Fantasyland”
  • Marilyn Horn Fahey, “A Stunning Arrangement”
  • Karen Allen, “Gordchen”
  • L.D. Nguyễn, “Magnolia, Everblooming”
  • Tania Martin, “Wisteria”
  • Carol Park, “Running Through Filoli”
  • Tarn M. Wilson, “The Year I Camped in a Mansion”
  • Keiko O’Leary, “Through the Missing Brick”
  • Lita Kurth, “Camellias Without Compassion”
  • Eva Smith Glynn, “Friendship”
  • Maria Judnick Timmons, “A Door of My Own”